March 24th I am pleased to announce that KO4FSZ ANTENNAS is 100% back up and running.
Chris. KO4FSZ
Building affordable antenna's without sacrificing quality. Excellent customer service. Fast reliable shipping.
This is the first multi band antenna that I have every owned that I did not have to use a tuner. Small and compact. Will fit in your coat pocket. Fast deployment. Git it in the air and put your coax to your radio and you are on the air. KE4JT
I love it! I’ve used it to work Europe on FT-8 and with voice. It’s amazing and easy to set up. Thank you!
Excellent product and customer service beyond my expectations. Thank you for quick shipping this antenna
We Tested This Out In The Field And Was Quite Surprised On The EASE Of Getting It Up And On The Air.It Takes Longer Getting The Pull Line Up Into The Tree.Then It Does Setting Up.No Tuner Required On 10-40 As It Already Comes Tuned For The General Portion Of The Band.Yes I'm Partial To This Over Another Brand Of EFHW Antenna.I Have The 17m EFHW Antenna Also.Plus The Earlier Addition.I Stand By The Owner Maker Of This Antenna. NC4XL Dom
I created my business after starting with parks on the air. I could not find an antenna that I liked for my portable operations. So I designed my own and it worked. My experience is going to give you a good experience.